June 16, 2018

How Saturn Made Me Take a Crash Course in Astrology

By Kaye Domingo

Having had several sessions with astrologer Resti Santiago, including some where I received warnings from him, I realized that astrologers can give you a blueprint of your fate.

this will have an impact on you once you realize that you have  experienced these significant events mentioned in your readings. There will be a greater impact after you realize that what was predicted in your readings have actually come to pass.

rom September 2015 to December 2017,  Saturn was in Sagittarius. I have a Sagittarius ascendant and sun sign. The past two years took me by surprise. It was as if I got run over by a train, especially towards mid-2017 until the end of that year. I won't go into details; I lost everything I worked for in the last 10 years – family, house, kids, money, my sanity – all in one day.

From that day on, I have taken the liberty to study the external factors of my fate. And I took this as the moment when I could start studying astrology. I have been asked by Resti to edit or proofread his work, and with all these things happening all at the same time, Resti was there to guide me through it all. 

I found myself immersed in studying astrology all day and all night for the following reasons: 1. To cope with the loneliness and trauma; 2. Not think about my problem all the time and have something else to focus on; 3. To answer the question, “What the hell happened?”

Every night, I f
ound myself obsessed. I was studying sun signs, ascendants, planets, houses, and how the interplay of all these worked; learning what the good combinations and bad combinations are; figuring out how to work around the bad effects and how to maximize the happy effects. 

I fell down on my seat when I studied my ex’
s chart. If I had knowledge of astrology when we were not married yet, I would have had my doubts confirmed then. But combining his chart with mine, it appears that what happened to me was really my fate. With our marriage chart, one could see Saturn scathing in the 5th house. So my fate was etched in the stars!

And there I saw my life, the things I did in the past coming back at me – with Saturn lecturing me like a tough auntie telling me to
go where I should be and not to go where I think it will be more challenging because challenges are exhausting. From my chart, Saturn seems to be telling me: “I am here to make you sit down, slow down, think things over, work out the consequences and then I will give you your rewards. But achieving those rewards are not easy.”

Every day, every night
, I kept reading books and articles and watching videos on astrology. I kept on, reading other people’s charts – until I see their faces light up, realizing that I flicked some switch of clarity. After six months or so, I can read a chart decently with enough details for another person to be satisfied. And that was the beginning.

Yes, astrology helped me cope, at the same time, astrology helped me accept my fate. I was angry most of the time since the moon
-in-Virgo me had done everything possible to keep things together. But living with someone with Mars and Saturn in the 7th house was just too crazy to endure. It was not his fault entirely; but the freedom-loving Sagittarius felt too stifled and could not express her true feelings. That was our fate, we were doomed to part.

Until now, I have difficulties coping since astrology is not the answer to my problems. It just helped me
understand some questions which led me to clarify things

If I get stumped
, I would analyze different chart types. You can learn that people are fated to meet but are also fated to part. One indication that that will happen is if there is a Mars in the house of romance on the day that they met.

The point is, if you are serious about learning astrology, study the significant events in your life. You can only know the real meanings of the planets, and their corresponding aspects and combinations, if you experience it. The fate of astrology still lives because we know it works.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was also born with mars and saturn in the 7th house which is my sun sign aquarius as a leo rising.

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