September 15, 2021

Self-Awareness at the Middle of My Astrological Journey

By Evan Velasquez
The Curious Child
I had always been curious about my zodiac sign, even taking pride about how I am a Scorpio (Sun sign). I still vividly remember as a child that I would always borrow the morning newspaper just to check what’s written for Scorpios that day, as well as my parents’ zodiac signs just to ‘confirm’ if it resonates with them. Little did I know it was just the very tip of the iceberg.   

My First Natal Chart Reading 
When I had my first reading done, it was a time in my life where I felt directionless and anxious about what path I should take. I knew for myself that I needed change, but did not know exactly how I should go about the transformation I was looking for. It was February of 2017, when the Sun was in Aquarius, which meant that it was transiting my 9th house of beliefs, higher learning, long distance travels, and anything foreign, when I had my first ever Natal chart reading. It was done in Vedic, and at that time I thought it was the only type of Astrology. I was amazed by the accuracy of some of the reading, but not entirely. I felt like there was something missing. The moment I got home, Google and I became closer than ever. During the reading, the Vedic Astrologer described me as very stubborn, determined but sometimes lazy, artistic, and charming. While all these may be true, I knew I had something deeper to dig. 

I started searching for Astrology groups on Facebook and Astrology Friends Philippines caught me eye because a classmate of mine since elementary way back in Kuwait was a member. I was so intrigued as to why he was a member and it turned out, he is into Astrology and his longtime girlfriend is an Astrologer. I bugged them endlessly to meet me so we could talk about it more. And so we met. I was overwhelmed by the information at first, but as with anything, it takes time to learn something as perplexed as Astrology. They took a quick glance at my chart and described me as someone who is friendly, witty, sociable, impatient, and curious. They said this is how people perceive me. If you’re very new to Astrology, take a quick guess what my ascendant sign is. They went on to describe me and I felt like I resonated more with it. I asked them how is their description of me more accurate than my first natal chart reading? They said there are many types of Astrology, and the one they used was Tropical, while the one that I only know of then was Sidereal or Vedic Astrology. 

So since then, I stuck with Tropical Astrology since it resonated more with me. There is no right or wrong in choosing what type of Astrology you should use, but as many Astrologers would say, choose the one that resonates with you more. What I learned most about that meet-up is the importance of learning the basic foundation of Astrology. It’s important to know (by heart) the signs and each of its descriptions, the houses and what area of life it represents in one’s natal chart, the planets and its aspects and orbs, the four elements, the modes, and many other subtopics of Astrology that most likely even I, have not encountered yet. 

After a while of self-studying Astrology through reading, observing, and practicing on friends and family, I’ve realized that the real substance Astrology has taught me, and one should practice, is self-awareness through the use of Astrology. You’ll be stunned at the gifts and talents you were bestowed upon that you thought you never had. You’ll suddenly realize why your weaknesses are what they are, and how you can overcome these weaknesses and turn them into strengths. By being self-aware, we will learn self-acceptance. And through self-acceptance, is where we can fully blossom into better versions of ourselves.

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