March 10, 2014

The Cross of Matter Part 3: Houses and Signs

By Mari Garcia

Read Part 2

The strength of the individual houses was also directly related to this model which attributes to the Ascendant the source of light. The houses associated with the Cross of  Matter, the 1st, 10, 7, and 4 are considered to be the strongest of houses as they had a direct and strong relationship by aspect to the Ascendant. Therefore, a planet in these angular houses was considered  to be strong, potent and effective in realising the matters of the houses it ruled. 

The 9,11,5 and 3 houses were considered to be good because they were in either sextile or trine relationship to the Ascendant and therefore partook of the light. Planets in these houses could manifest the matters of the houses they ruled but depending on whether the house was above or below the horizon described whether the expression was public or private. Hence, the 9th and 11 suggested public expression while the 5 and the 3, because they are below the horizon, were expressed privately or away from public scrutiny.

However, the 2, 8, 6 and 12 were considered weak because they were ‘blind’ to the Ascendant that is they did not have a strong aspectual relationship to it. They literally cannot ‘see’ the Ascendant as they are either right bedside it (12 and the 2) or away from direct sight (8 and the 6). Planets in these houses are considered weak and ineffectual, often having to rely on other factors to get them over the line. Another difficulty with these houses was that apart from the 2nd, they were associated with difficulties, sorrow and labour suggesting that planets placed here would have to work hard to produce what they promised but might also be the source of hardship for the person or may even destroy what had been produced. 

We then consider the sign on each of the angles and they will describe the nature of each area  of life and the condition of its ruler will signify how easy or difficult it is to realise the matters
of each.

Read Part 4

Copyright Mari Garcia. Mari Garcia is a consulting astrologer who has been involved with astrology since 1990. She has lectured widely both in Australia and the USA and has published articles in Australia and overseas and writes for several local and national publications. She runs a consulting practice in Adelaide and is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers a four year course in astrology as well as special interest workshops. Mari can be contacted via the website at  

To know more about Mari Garcia click here.

Mari Garcia will give an online seminar on "Moon Signs and You" on March 15, 2014 at Isis International Center, 3 Marunong St., Bgy. Central, Quezon City. To register, email Visit

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