December 21, 2021

Bouncing Back from the Pandemic

By Angela Fabunan

We live in a world very different from the years preceding this one. We now live in a world struggling to survive the deaths, the sickness, and the chaos that came hand-in-hand with the global COVID-19 pandemic. In this confusing world where there are so many questions and no final answers, how can the science, the study, and the practice of astrology help to alleviate these worries?

 On May 17, Astrologer Resti Santiago conducted the Bounce Back Astrology webinar, a two-part series along with Astrology Forecast & Choices seminar. In these two seminars, he referred to both Greco-Western astrology as well the Eastern Feng Shui method of analysis.

 Astrology is a good mediator of fate and freedom. On the one hand, it gives us a blueprint in  which certain predictions can be made due to the placement of the planets, as well as calculations on our birth chart. On the other hand, it gives us time to plan ahead and change these outcomes.  

The great philosopher Seneca once said “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,” Sir Resti said to us. Astrology is the opportunity part, while our own human will is the preparation aspect of luck. Beginners of Feng Shui know the concept of cosmic trinity: Heaven Luck, Earth Luck, and Man Luck. It’s true as well of the Hellenistic astrology, with its philosophies of the virtues of man at the forefront of the study.

 “Both systems teach us that no matter what the situation is,” Sir Resti remarked during the webinar, “you can still harness the energy in the environment to your advantage.” That’s where our free will comes in.

 Resti Santiago showed to us in this webinar how to use Life Cycle Calendar*, a device he himself created, which would help in both short-term planning and long-term planning, as well as the Health Cycle Calendar, which shows the years or months most vulnerable as well as the times of our strongest vitality.

 Filipino Astrologer Timing Essentials are also great references for both Venus hour and Jupiter hour, wherein we can plan our most opportune moments with these benefic planets.

 We know our lives unfold themselves as part of cycles. Our own internal bodies, made up of atoms which are all electrically charged due to the pull of electromagnetism, are affected by traditional galactic pull such as light as well as technological advances in this century. Modern metaphysics can explain this and add weight to electromagnetism, and thus explain the science of astromagnetism—how subatomic particles are magnetized due to the movement of the planets. These biological cycles, as well as these concepts of magnetism, have been studied and investigated by modern scientists, particularly physicists. 

 It has been said that the Black Plague in the 1300s during the medieval times was the biggest cause of death our world has ever seen, at 150,000 deaths worldwide. The Black Plague occurred during the early experimentations on capitalism. The emphasis on land, or anything to do with the earth, during the feudal times of the medieval period seem comparable to the capitalist systems we have today which have emphasized land-ownership [—these are lingering aspects of the Era of Earth, which precedes the Era of Air].

 At the same time, there was also a conjunction of Saturn and Pluto around the time of the Black Plague, with a similarity to the January 13, 2020 Saturn and Pluto conjunction.

 If we were to compare these two global epidemics which claimed many lives worldwide, from an astrological standpoint, the calamity of the Black Plague was followed by the Renaissance—ushering in the Era of Air. It has been predicted that a similar trend will follow in this decade, when the Era of Air, officially begins on December 22, 2020.

 So, the future doesn’t look so dire, although it certainly seems dire at the moment. Due to the conjunction between Pluto and Saturn this past January, it seems as if Saturn has imposed boundaries upon us, like a strict father looking over his children, he has bound us locally in our respective distant places, away from crowds, while Pluto shows the world what our shadow selves look like. And yet, Saturn in astrology, according to Resti Santiago, gives us rewards in return for our plight. Saturn will officially leave us alone in 2022, but while this planet is here, it seems as if the boundaries and limitations will continue to be applicable.

 In this continuation of the Astrology Forecast and Choices, this Bounce Back Astrology webinar showed good things to come in the Era of Air, where certain rewards will be felt—technology will be on the rise and all industries related to this, anything to do with ideas will be respected and appreciated, and all things that conduct themselves through the air or airwaves.

 It is easy to predict these outcomes now that we are living in a world with virtually everyone online. Yet, astrologers have known these outcomes even before the COVID-19 pandemic, which shows just how much astrology is needed to predict and to offset unfavorable outcomes, to show the best aspects of ourselves in our personal and interpersonal lives, and to navigate the opportune moments of this world, for now, for today and for tomorrow.

 Angela Gabrielle Fabunan is a writer and editor from the Philippines. Her work has appeared in Cordite, Cha, and Asymptote, among others. Her first book of poetry, The Sea That Beckoned, was published by Platypus Press in 2019. She is currently a poetry editor for Inklette Magazine.

Life Cycle Calendar will be made available to Platinum Subscribers of Filipino Astrologer Timing Essentials.

November 22, 2021

Astrology: Reflection, Introspection, and Understanding of the Self

 By Llean Joie Bautista

Our understanding of the world first began as an attempt to make sense of it. In a time where science was not yet concrete and mathematics was only starting to lay foundations, humans viewed the world through the lens of mysticism and magic. Ancient civilizations have been known to worship deities, gods and goddesses, creating folklore and other stories on the origin of the world that is centered on their beliefs and on those they worship. All of this was done in an attempt to understand how the world functions.

Let’s face it, the world is complex and deeply intricate, and we have barely scratched the surface in understanding how anything truly works. Our understanding of the world and the universe, vast as it may seem, is not nearly enough to create the full picture of its complete functionality. The world is a vast pool of mysteries. And while we may have immersed ourselves in the shallows, its depth is still a mystery awaiting to be solved. Nowadays, mysticism and magic are viewed in an almost mocking light. With the influx of scientific discoveries and principles, mysticism seemed to only be a thing of the past and should not be dwelled upon. Science, for all its greatness, paved the way in which society can disengage from ideas of magic, of deities, and even of religion. Mysticism is not the way to find truths. But I propose the opposite.

Mysticism can be one of the clearest ways so we can understand the truth. Mysticism is how the universe communicates to us, and one of the best ways to see it is by looking at the stars. Babylonians have been the first to realize that the stars are  the key to understanding the universe and how they have influenced and affected the world and human life. Babylonians have been one of the first to create telescopes to observe the stars, looking towards celestial body formations and patterns.

This study spread across the nations, from Ancient Egypt to the Mediterranean, to Ancient Greece. Multiple varieties and different patterns of astrology emerged; two of the most well-known being the Hellenistic-Babylonian tradition and the Vedic Astrology, created and popularized in India using Hindu principles and beliefs. 

Astrology works by computing the angles and degrees of celestial bodies and constellations in the sky. These star patterns have great influence on how the world works during the time they appeared, influencing how the future unfolds.

Astrology was originally applied as the way to assist in state affairs, but it has developed into an approach to have a comprehensive understanding of individuals during the time of their birth. Hellenistic-Babylonian Astrology is widely considered to be the most popular and more commonly used of the two for determining a natal chart for an individual. This form of astrology is where modern day horoscopes have originated from.

Horoscopes are cookie cutter, general definitions of signs that are based on the cycle of the sun throughout the different signs. A person’s sun  sign is used in regard to horoscopes, which can be found in the monthly divisions (Taurus season occurs from April 19th to May 20th, Gemini season occurs on May 21st to June 20th, and so on and so forth), and is considered as the most mainstream and shallow understanding of Astrology. Astrology is more than just horoscopes. Astrology is a complex, diverse topic that can reveal so much the inner depths of people; from how they handle and deal with their emotions, to their expression of love and anger, what and how their luck will manifest as and into, to career, family relations, and potential health issues and problems in the future. I admit, when I first encountered astrology of this caliber, I was more than overwhelmed. I had no clear view on how to start and on what exactly I should start with. Thankfully, Filipino Astrologer and their team have webinars that educate and provide a thorough understanding on astrology and on its many uses. One webinar in particular was on Astro Heroes, a comprehensive training and webinar on personal chart interpretations through reading the charts of the Filipino heroes of the past, but are still relevant today. One of the main things that were discussed in the webinar was how to understand a person’s life purpose. And while it is an advanced topic when it comes to the realm of astrology, Sir Resti Santiago explained it so eloquently that it was not hard to digest and understand the bulk of information.

On Learning Astrology

During the five hour webinar, we first discussed planetary rulership, exaltation, detriments, and fall. Astrological signs have planets that rule them. Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, the planet responsible for feminine energy, love, the arts,  and this includes the expression of love and how one deals with relationships. Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars, the planet of Masculine energy, taking action, leadership, as well as anger and the expression of anger. A planet that is in its rulership is said to be at its strongest. So, when your Mars is in either Aries or Scorpio, that means that your ability to take charge as well as your leadership skills are utmost. A planet that is in exaltation means that while it is not in rulership, its role in your chart is considerably good and it is expressed well, which leads to good expressions of what the planet brings. Mars is in exaltation in Capricorn; meaning that while not at its strongest, the planet is still overall prosperous to the person. When a planet  is in Detriment, it means that it is in the complete opposite end of the planet’s rulership. This makes the planet and its  manifestations considerably weak. Mars is in Detriment in Taurus, and this makes sense because Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of femininity while Mars is the planet that embodies masculinity. A planet that is in Fall is the opposite of exaltation, which means the planet is in a position that can cause problems with manifestation and expression. Mars is in Fall in the sign Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon, which is the embodiment of maternal instinct, vulnerability, and emotions.

Another important thing to consider when reading a chart (either your own or another person’s) is “sects.” The concept of sects was created in ancient times, which divides the seven planets (Sun, Moon, and the five starry planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) into two categories; Diurnal and Nocturnal. The seven planets are categorized into two other factions, which are Luminaries and Planets. The Luminaries are the Sun and the Moon, as aptly named based on the fact that they illuminate the world during their own times on top of the horizon. The Sun is the Day Luminary, and attached to this is the Diurnal Sect. The Moon is the Night Luminary and attached to this is the Nocturnal Sect. This is where we identify people who have day and night charts.

If the Sun is above the horizon during their birth, then they are Day Charts. If the Sun is below the horizon during their birth, they are Night Charts. In a Diurnal, or Day Chart, three planets hold the most influence in a person’s life: Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter. In a Nocturnal or Night chart, three planets hold the most influence: Moon, Mars, and Venus. Mercury is seen as neutral in this division, not leaning towards either nocturnal or diurnal.

On Discovering One’s Life Purpose

But for me, the most important part of chart reading that I have learned through the webinar is how one can discover their life’s purpose by looking at the chart. In astrology, during your birth, the sky is divided into 12, which we each call a House. Each house has planets and signs, which govern and influence the different aspects in your life. The first house, which is the basis of our idea of self and selfimage, is what we call the helm of the chart. The first house is the driver and it leads how the whole of your chart goes. The astrological sign inside  your chart is called Ascendant Sign or Rising Sign.

This is where , and your life’s purpose can be seen, by checking at what planet rules your sign and seeing which house that planet is in. For example, your Ascendant Sign is Scorpio and it is ruled by Mars. Let’s say that your Mars is in the 2nd house which deals with possessions, money, and other material things. In this scenario, your life’s purpose or fulfillment is centered heavily on the acquisition of possessions and money.

Astrology is complex, diverse, and it gives a concrete understanding about a person and their life. Natal charts are computed precisely, with exact degrees to identify the specific location of  the planet or celestial bodies in the sky during your birth. The sky gives a clear and thorough forecast on the person’s life from the moment that they are born. Our understanding of the world first began as an attempt to make sense of it. In a time where science was not yet concrete and mathematics was only starting to lay foundations, humans viewed the world through the lens of mysticism and magic. Mankind has always tried their best to create an understanding of the world. Perhaps, the answer to our questions has been in front of us all along. All we need to do is learn how to look.

This article was first published in Astro Energy, book of Filipino Astrologer Auspicious Timing guides. Llean Joie Bautista is Philosophy student from University of the Philippines  Los Banos

September 15, 2021

Self-Awareness at the Middle of My Astrological Journey

By Evan Velasquez
The Curious Child
I had always been curious about my zodiac sign, even taking pride about how I am a Scorpio (Sun sign). I still vividly remember as a child that I would always borrow the morning newspaper just to check what’s written for Scorpios that day, as well as my parents’ zodiac signs just to ‘confirm’ if it resonates with them. Little did I know it was just the very tip of the iceberg.   

My First Natal Chart Reading 
When I had my first reading done, it was a time in my life where I felt directionless and anxious about what path I should take. I knew for myself that I needed change, but did not know exactly how I should go about the transformation I was looking for. It was February of 2017, when the Sun was in Aquarius, which meant that it was transiting my 9th house of beliefs, higher learning, long distance travels, and anything foreign, when I had my first ever Natal chart reading. It was done in Vedic, and at that time I thought it was the only type of Astrology. I was amazed by the accuracy of some of the reading, but not entirely. I felt like there was something missing. The moment I got home, Google and I became closer than ever. During the reading, the Vedic Astrologer described me as very stubborn, determined but sometimes lazy, artistic, and charming. While all these may be true, I knew I had something deeper to dig. 

I started searching for Astrology groups on Facebook and Astrology Friends Philippines caught me eye because a classmate of mine since elementary way back in Kuwait was a member. I was so intrigued as to why he was a member and it turned out, he is into Astrology and his longtime girlfriend is an Astrologer. I bugged them endlessly to meet me so we could talk about it more. And so we met. I was overwhelmed by the information at first, but as with anything, it takes time to learn something as perplexed as Astrology. They took a quick glance at my chart and described me as someone who is friendly, witty, sociable, impatient, and curious. They said this is how people perceive me. If you’re very new to Astrology, take a quick guess what my ascendant sign is. They went on to describe me and I felt like I resonated more with it. I asked them how is their description of me more accurate than my first natal chart reading? They said there are many types of Astrology, and the one they used was Tropical, while the one that I only know of then was Sidereal or Vedic Astrology. 

So since then, I stuck with Tropical Astrology since it resonated more with me. There is no right or wrong in choosing what type of Astrology you should use, but as many Astrologers would say, choose the one that resonates with you more. What I learned most about that meet-up is the importance of learning the basic foundation of Astrology. It’s important to know (by heart) the signs and each of its descriptions, the houses and what area of life it represents in one’s natal chart, the planets and its aspects and orbs, the four elements, the modes, and many other subtopics of Astrology that most likely even I, have not encountered yet. 

After a while of self-studying Astrology through reading, observing, and practicing on friends and family, I’ve realized that the real substance Astrology has taught me, and one should practice, is self-awareness through the use of Astrology. You’ll be stunned at the gifts and talents you were bestowed upon that you thought you never had. You’ll suddenly realize why your weaknesses are what they are, and how you can overcome these weaknesses and turn them into strengths. By being self-aware, we will learn self-acceptance. And through self-acceptance, is where we can fully blossom into better versions of ourselves.

April 21, 2021



Bongbong Marcos. Image from Wikipedia

By Carlota Elauria

With contribution of Derrick Jan Lim

June 7, 2018


Bongbong Marcos has been in the public eye in recent times, most prominently due to the controversy surrounding his highly-disputed loss in the race for Vice President of the Philippines in the 2016 Elections. With the petition still pending in the Supreme Court, his fate currently hangs in the balance. However, another burning question looms beyond the horizon: will BBM one day sit in Malacanang Palace, under the seal of President of the Philippines?

His supporters might beam in hope and anticipation at the thought, while his detractors might yell “nay!” in fear and trepidation. To answer this question, we delve into the study of his natal chart, the transiting planets, and his career history. Upon such investigation, the authors have divided the possibilities into three periods: (1) the present until 2022 via President Duterte’s term; (2) the 2022-2028 Presidency; and (3) the 2028-2034 Presidency. For purposes of this article, the birth time of 0400H was used, the birth date of 13 September 1957, and place of Manila, Philippines.


BBM: The Man

Right off the bat, we can see through his chart that BBM is a Virgo, and quite interestingly, just like his well-known father. They, however, have different ascendant signs, as Ferdinand Marcos had Cancer and BBM has Leo. FM also had the Moon, Pluto, and Mars in his 1st house, while BBM has Uranus. This gives them marked differences in immediate personality – while FM appeared somber, intense, combative, and perhaps even emotional at times, BBM appears jovial, friendly, optimistic and a little eccentric.

BBM is also quite the Virgo, much more so than his father, with his Sun, Mercury and Mars conjunct in the sign, from 14-22 degrees. Because BBM’s Sun rules his Ascendant, and Mercury rules his Sun, this author has considered this conjunction the focal point of his entire chart, “the rock upon which all the structures are founded,” which shall be discussed in detail more later. This huge focus on Virgo makes BBM a very work-centric person, a lover of order, routine, health and productivity. He has an eye for detail, a greatly analytical mind, and a zeal for perfection. In the 2nd house, this diligence has been directed to pursuits of stability, self-sufficiency, assets, sustenance, and money. He is a workaholic of sorts, so long as he makes good money. He is likely an avid collector, and quite discriminating in his collection.

His North Node is in Scorpio in the 4th house. The South Node in Taurus in the 10th house. He is a public person, most probably assigned duties and responsibilities in the family at an early age, in the area of finances. The SN in Taurus makes him a self-starter in his early years, with great ability to handle assets and money, which is probably why the family assigned him to this role. The NN in Scorpio in the 4th drives him to seek privacy with his family life, to be supported and loved by those closest to him, instead of being the supporter.

Venus in Libra is widely conjunct Jupiter, which gives a healthy love of life, and a fulfilling marriage.

Saturn is in Sagittarius, and square the Virgo planets, which means that there is great pressure in educational attainment, and he may feel limited in his intelligence, though it be adequate. Education may feel long and tortuous, with little reward, but when it comes it is like a drink of water in the hot desert. Preserving his reputation and good name may be a lifelong battle, but likely hard won in the latter years of his life. With Saturn squaring his critical conjunction in Virgo, there is great pressure and tension in his life, perhaps an overwhelming duty of which he feels there is no release.

The above is merely a short insight into the character of BBM, and by no means a whole picture of his humanity. We move on now with the meat of the matter.

Present time-2022: via death, resignation, impeachment or disability, of President Duterte – UNLIKELY

Can BBM become president via Pres. Digong’s ouster? More completely stated, can BBM become president by first replacing Vice Pres. Leni, and then replacing Pres. Digong by a subsequent ouster?

The author believes that it is unlikely that BBM becomes President this way.

A study of the transiting planets shows that Neptune in Pisces is currently opposing his critical conjunction in Virgo. This means that he is currently battling, over a period of 3-5 years, a total disillusionment of a great dream. In order to get through this, he will have to let go of many unrealistic expectations and accept some painful truths. Perhaps he had viewed this dream with rose-colored glasses before, and now the glasses must come off. This battle must go on for the next few years or so.

Furthermore, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn are trining away from this critical conjunction. A trine coming away from a planet is not such a good omen. It symbolizes the letting go of energy, sort of a farewell gift or goodbye kiss of the blessings of the trining planet. In this instance, Saturn and Pluto (primarily the former) have showered him with power and success over the last 14 or 15 years. Now, it is time to start counting his blessings, as there are tough years ahead.

The Presidency of Rodrigo Duterte will in theory last until 2022, with Saturn in Aquarius, which is covered by this challenging period.

The last time Saturn was in Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, the Marcoses had just been ousted from Malacanang in 1986, then BBM returned to the Philippines after a few years during Saturn in Aquarius, in 1991. He also won as Congressman in 1992.

Hence, it is theorized that since BBM was “deposed” by the highly-contested VP loss in 2016 when Saturn was again in Sagittarius, he is likely to take a hiatus over the next few years until Saturn in Aquarius, in 2022, where his political career may resume once again, perhaps while campaigning for a position in the 2022 elections.

The author and the contributor disagree over the result of the PET controversy. The former believes that BBM will win the petition and assume the Vice Presidency due to a number of reasons, most likely within a month before or during the August 11 Solar Eclipse in Leo, as that eclipse will give him great recognition, or in late October, when the Sun squares the North Node in Leo, as it will bear the fruit of the labors invested since May 2017. The latter believes that he will not, and only take the hiatus as above stated.

Nevertheless, there is agreement that BBM will not take over the position of Pres. Digong while his term lasts.


The 2022-2028 Presidency – BAD CHANCE

Can BBM then become President by running in the 2022 elections, barring any constitutional change of the electoral process?

The author does not believe so either.

While Saturn is in Aquarius, and later in Pisces from 2022 onwards, such time denotes the toughest years of BBM’s 30-year Saturn cycle, as Saturn opposes his critical conjunction in Virgo, and squares away from his Saturn in Sagittarius. It is likely that he will face powerlessness, opposition and failure around this time. Some political success may still be possible, but personal fulfilment may not be reachable.

The last time Saturn was in this period was from 1992-1995, when he was elected Congressman. During his stint here, he “authored 29 House bills and co-authored 90 more,” being an industrious, productive Virgo, but recognition was elusive. He ran for the Senate in 1995 but lost. It is simply hard to be recognized when Saturn is running against you.

Hence, it is likely that BBM will spend the years of 2022-2025 diligently working in politics, perhaps in a lower position, but recognition may be difficult to achieve.


The 2028-2034 Presidency – GOOD CHANCE

Finally, can BBM become President by running in the 2028 elections, barring any constitutional change of the electoral process?

Here, the author believes there is some hope.

The period when Saturn is in Taurus, Gemini, and onward, is a turning point in BBM’s 30-year Saturn cycle, historically marking a success period of 14-15 years. Furthermore, it returns the power and success it removes while Saturn is in Sagittarius, as Saturn is making the home stretch back towards the Virgo direction.

The last time Saturn was in this period, BBM was elected for a second term as Governor of Ilocos Norte, his bailiwick, for which he served for three consecutive terms until 2007, and garnered great public feedback. He also served successfully as Congressman from 2007-2010, during Saturn in Virgo, empowering his own sign. From here on, empowered by the momentum, he once again tried for a seat in the Senate in 2010, and finally won, placing seventh.

Hence, at the dawn of Saturn in Taurus in the May 2028 elections, with Jupiter in Virgo blessing his critical conjunction, BBM at the ripe old age of 70 might simply just get a good chance at that Presidency. And, in the opinion of this author, it shall be the best chance he can ever get in this life. Victory is not guaranteed, but this is the wisest way that his cards may be played. As the saying goes, “You Only Live Once.”



In conclusion, BBM is not advised to run for the Presidency in 2022, when odds are stacked against him, but he has a great chance to win if he ran in 2028 when the stars are more favorable. And it is almost impossible for him to assume the presidency via replacing the incumbent President in any way. He just might, however, simply obtain the Vice Presidency this year, as a parting gift of success of the stars before the challenging 14-15 year period must begin for him again.

While some statements in this article may be disheartening to BBM and his supporters, it is advised to not feel bad at the hardship that is to come, because Saturn is the great equalizer, and everyone has their highs and lows in the 30-year cycle of this great planet. The challenging times simply mean that there are lessons to be learned, or relearned, before Saturn may bestow success and power once again. What is important is to remain humble and open to correction, and to stop comparing oneself with others, especially one’s lows with another’s highs.

Furthermore, due to the human limitations of the author and the contributor, some erroneous readings are possible. This is simply their humble input regarding the matter at hand. Their failure in any case, however, does not discredit the credibility of astrology itself, whose unfathomable nature is often too much to fully understand even by those with decades of study.

As a final message to BBM, the author humbly advises him to remain true to the calls of his North Node, to seek love and support from those close to him, to protect his home and private life and derive fulfillment from it to balance out the overwhelming demands of his public life, and to seek happiness and pleasure from his fortunate marriage and close friendships.







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